Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Lord Hears the Cry of the Just. Attention Lefties- Go Ruin Someone Else's Country!

The electorate is weary from the unceasing attacks on the American sense of right and wrong. But make no mistake; the American people will rest to clear their collective head. While resting, perhaps Americans will further befuddle their liberal tormentors and take comfort in the words from the book of Psalms, Chapter 3, a suggestion that prior to the liberal ambush of American values would have been considered mainstream.

Lord, so many are against me. So many seek to harm me. I have so many enemies. So many say that God will never help me. But Lord, you are my shield, my glory, and my only hope. You alone can lift my head, now bowed in shame. Then I lay down and slept in peace and woke up safely, for the Lord was watching over me. And now, although ten thousand enemies surround me on every side, I am not afraid.

The Psalms isn't meant to be a gratuitous biblical reference, but rather is meant to serve notice that Americans no longer care what politicians and a complicit media think of them. Americans are among the most benevolent people on earth, but they are tired of being mocked and lampooned for deeply held opinions and beliefs. Instinctively, Americans have always embraced their solemn duty to fight for freedom. Not easily provoked and slow to anger, the American people have always fought for what is right once called into action. It should therefore come as no surprise to anyone, least of all liberals that Americans are protesting in waves. What politicians in general and liberals in particular don't understand is that no matter how fatigued Americans might be, Coach Lombardi's paradigm simply does not apply. Fatigued? Yes of course, many times and perhaps even still. But never have the American people been cowards. Elitist politicians don't understand what is happening because they don't want to understand it. Whether they figure it out in time to save their own political hides, or not, is immaterial. The political storm is gathering. When it hits, my money will be on the American people.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

What part of NO don't you people understand?

Gay Marriage ....Used to just be an oxymoron ....after repeatedly being told NO at the polls .... it is now two angry morons!

If you can't pass a gay marriage bill in California with Obama on the ticket can't pass one ...and thats a good thing!

In the past 20 years, most Americans have bent over backwards (no pun intended) to accept and tolerate homosexuals and most even approve of civil unions, which is about as close to marriage you can get without the name. But the name is what they seek. You give them an inch and they want to take a foot, then rub it in your face and that would make them feel better. There are many gays that do NOT believe in gay marriage. There are a lot of gay conservatives (the smart ones) who understand that marriage is between a man and a woman; get over it.

Most people who hate gays don’t hate them because of their sexual lifestyle, it’s because they are always whining, complaining and protesting to push their agenda on everyone and people are just tired of it. Not everyone agrees with their lifestyle and don’t appreciate being called ‘homophobes" or "haters" We are equally tired to our core of the gay's attempt to hijack the civil rights movement and make it their own complete with their latest name to call non supporters guessed it ..."Bigots" Pahhhleeeze!

Gays must think that electing an imcompetent and dishonest President, that maybe it was their time; “It’s raining men! Hallelujah!” Not so fast! Barack Obama is against gay marriage (you know muslims don’t go for that stuff). Why are they NOT protesting their hero Barack Obama? It’s because liberalism is a mental disorder and this shows an example of the hypocrisy liberals always display. Obama won the election because of a biased media, misinformed (stupid) voters, ACORN voter fraud and guilty white people voting on race’ period.
It’s a real shame because most gays are good people, but these protesting, granny-pushing cowards ruin it for all of them. Most gays are also conservatives deep down inside yet some just don’t know it, or are afraid of losing friends if they admit it. Some rational thinking gays are against gay marriage and understand the true definition. Someday, gay conservatives will come out of the closet; again.

We think these cowardly gay protesters should go to the black churches and protest the group that really didn’t support gay marriage, but their white guilt doesn’t allow them the courage for that. They would get a severe ass kicking if they did. You liberals can’t lie anymore because if you watch youtube, you can see for yourself how ignorant these protestors invariably act. The people voted gay marriage down and because it ‘didn’t go your way,’ you want to whine and complain as usual then start shopping for the most liberal judge in the state and overturn the will of the people who voted know the majority who once again have said NO! Can we all just move along please ...the rights you say you need you have can still get married you just can't marry eachother ....the good news for you 14th Amendment buffs is this ...neither can I!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Poltical Correctness is Ruining This Country!


Political Correctness is about turning a blind eye to painful reality because your comfortable feelings are more important to you than saving lives and providing quality of life to people who work their ass off to be productive and are a benefit to this great American Dream. The way that you eliminate bad and ugly is either through activism and policy making that never tolerates evil -- instead of the liberal politically correct policy of accepting evil and accepting other points of views that destroy lives. We the thoughtful, productive people of American have got to take our freedom back.

49 Million to 5! -

49 Million to 5
Date 2009-06-28 12:26:11

THE MURDER OF AMERICA'S MOST PROLIFIC SERIAL KILLER According to recent polls, a majority of Americans oppose abortion -- which is consistent with the left's hysterical refusal to allow us to vote on the subject. In a country with approximately 150 million pro-lifers, five abortionists have been killed since Roe v. Wade. In that same 36 years, more than 49 million babies have been killed by abortionists. Let's recap that halftime score, sports fans: 49 million to five. Meanwhile, fewer than 2 million Muslims live in America and, while Muslims are less murderous than abortionists, I'm fairly certain they've killed more than five people in the United States in the last 36 years. For some reason, the number 3,000-4,000 keeps popping into my head. So in a country that is more than 50 percent pro-life and 80 percent opposed to the late-term abortions of the sort performed by Tiller only five abortionists have been killed. And in a country that is less than 0.5 percent Muslim, several dozen Muslims have killed thousands of Americans. STAY WITH ME HERE does the killing of about one abortionist per decade lead left wing liberals to condemn the entire pro-life movement as "domestic terroristism." Tiller bragged about performing 60,000 abortions, including abortions of viable babies, able to survive outside the mother's womb. He made millions of dollars performing late-term abortions so gruesome that only two other abortionists -- not a squeamish bunch -- in the entire country would perform them. The official Web page of the ELCA (The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America- Tiller's Church) instructs: "A developing life in the womb does not have an absolute right to be born." As long as we're deciding who does and doesn't have an "absolute right to be born," who's to say late-term abortionists have an "absolute right" to live? I wouldn't kill an abortionist myself, but I wouldn't want to impose my moral values on others. No one is for shooting abortionists. But how will criminalizing men making difficult, often tragic, decisions be an effective means of achieving the goal of reducing the shootings of abortionists? Following the moral precepts of liberals, I believe the correct position is: If you don't believe in shooting abortionists, then don't shoot one.
Edited for length and content from my favorite poltical columnist

Saturday, April 4, 2009

While doing some research I happened upon this thought for the month of March ....the website I found this on has a well documented index of ridiculous cases being brought against people that caused them to become registered sex offenders ...including the 15 yr old girl who faces 20 yrs on the list for taking semi nude pictures of herself with her cell phone and then sending them to her boyfriend ... essentially tattooing her as a sex offender for taking pictures of herself. How is it possible to become a sex offender from viewing your own body? The next thing we will see is uniform registering of all teens for looking at themselves while naked which will be done of course to protect them from themselves. Here aresome other incredible examples of the lunacy that has been substituted for rational thought by some prosecutors in our various states complete with links to the actual stories.... the link to this website by the way is right here:

One of the prevailing myths in society is that everyone on registries are all violent rapists or pedophiles. However, landing on a sex offender registry (or even the prospect of landing on the registry) is a very real threat. Over the years, I have collected some very outlandish cases which have either landed someone on the registry or have at least made them potentially subject to placement on the registry. Some are sad, some are ludicrous, and others leave you questioning the laws. However, it is important to keep in mind how easily one can be caught up in the registries. Think about that next time you look at a sex offender registry.

Thus, in the tradition of another popular comedy skit, I present to you the following cases as

“You might be a sex offender if…:” [Laugh Track NOT Included]

You might be a sex offender if… you ever paid for a prostitute in New York [unless, of course, your name is New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer] -- Penal Code 230.4-6

• You might be a sex offender if… you use a stolen credit card to hire a stripper in New York•

• You might be a sex offender if… You had sex with a teenager while you were a teen yourself [unless you happen to be Mark Lunsford's son
]• http:// offense-presents-legal-puzzle/ (Pamela Mason, “Utah teen both a perpetrator and victim presents legal puzzle.” Salt Lake City Tribune, Dec. 12, 2006)

• You might be a sex offender if… you ever got drunk at a party and videotaped yourself having sex with your teenage girlfriend•

• You might be a sex offender if… you have ever given your kids too much information when giving “the birds and the bees” speech• (Mallory Simon, “Woman prosecuted for giving her children too much information about sex.” Court TV, November 12, 2007)

• You might be a sex offender if… a topless woman has ever talked you into "unwrapping your whopper" in a public park• (original story taken down: Marcus Baram, “Topless Woman Lured Perverts in Sex Sting.” ABC

• You might be a sex offender if… anyone has ever accused you of a sex crime in Ohio -- thanks to a “civil” registry, you don’t even need a criminal conviction, only a civil conviction [like O.J.]• - Ohio Chapter 109:5-4

You might be a sex offender if… you ever participated in “slap butt day” in school

You might be a sex offender if… you allow your teenage daughter to have sex or don’t do enough to stop her from getting knocked up•

• You might be a sex offender if… you touched the knees of another man over 60 years ago•

• You might be a sex offender if… you have ever taken a picture of your child playing in the bathtub, or if you have bathed a baby in your tub• (James Kinkaid, “Is this child pornography?”, Jan. 30, 2000)

You might be a sex offender if… you’ve ever simulated sex on the sidewalk (“Man simulated sex act on pavement,” BBC News, Nov. 5, 2007)

• You might be a sex offender if… you had sex with a picnic table (note: why was the person who videotaped this person NOT charged with creating obscene material? Hm...)

• You might be a sex offender if… you are a teen and you take pictures of yourself and send it to other teens
• ttp://> : Scott Michaels, “Teen Charged With Sending Nude Pics of Herself.” ABC News, Oct. 10, 2008

• You might be a sex offender if... you have ever chatted with a teen online, even if you never planned to meet them [unless, of course, you're a senator and/or John Walsh's friend

• You might be a sex offender if... you have oral sex with an intoxicated partner
• -- California Code 288A (I)

You might be sex offender if... you look at a child too long in Maine 1/NEWS01 -- Maine's "Visual Sexual Aggression" law

• You might be a sex offender if... you are caught urinating in public multiple times [courtesy of a blogger at Reddit]•

• You might be a sex offender if... you grab the arm of a 14 year old girl to chastise her for stepping in front of your moving car (assist to Ian for this gem)

You might be a sex offender if... you flirt with a girl in Egypt•,22606,24684272-912,00.html?from=public_rs

• You might be a sex offender if... you had sex with a bicycle, bringing new meaning to the brand name "HUFFY" [thanks to Colin for the link]
• or

• You might be a sex offender if... you are a school teacher at a school that forgot to pay for anti-virus software [ironically enough, she'd have faced less time for sleeping with one of her students] 140574368

The Following is not an actual case, but the author poses a REALLY good point here:
• You might be CONFUSED FOR a sex offender if... you leave your lights off and don't pass out candy at Halloween!• -- One can’t ignore the damn holiday without possibly getting accused of being an offender. For years I’ve safely ignored the holiday. Now, what will the neighbors think? Will they assume that the light is off because a sex offender lives here?

A Quick Thought or Two on Bill Sizemore in the News Again

My problem with the whole witch hunt to silence Bill Sizemore ...and the courts complicity with that agenda, is that it represents even further movement down that slippery slope which leads to places we don't want to let our system go. Love him (and alot of people love the guy) or hate him (the rest of Oregon) if he is able to gather enough signatures to qualify a ballot measure for the ballot then he is entitled to have those initiatives put to a vote by the citizens of Oregon. The OEA (Oregon Education Association) is way out of line here. It was their lawsuit under Oregon's civil RICO statutes that started this whole thing. And their use of the courts in such a shameless way to bully and intimidate the people who don't agree with them should make us all mad. Their claim was since once upon a time Sizemore handed in signatures that one of his employees had forged ...even though those forged signatures* were not needed to get him over the threshold to qualify for the ballot *(of which there were very very few- in fact the audit of his signatures by the Sec of State showed a much lower percentage of bad signatures than are considered acceptable) So the Big union; who is no one to talk about their political agendas ....sues Sizemore’s non profit to try to recoup the money they spent attacking his initiave petitions ...from this non profit and after a dirty judge whose own son is a member of the OEA gives them this ridiculous judgment e also tried to tie Sizemore’s personal assets to the case so the union could proceed to collect against him personally ...WTF?? The initiative process is the people’s ability to set the agenda that their elected leaders won't do. Weak leadership spawns the need to do an end run on those weaklings and their policies to let the people vote on some of these important issues ...You may not like the issues he forces us to vote on sometimes but he seems to have no problem gathering enough signatures to qualify those issues for the ballot and the vote is not always against him either. For the State's largest union to use the courts and legal process to bring suit to stifle the very civil rights that make us the envy of the rest of the world is shameful ...the fact that the first Judge in this case refused to act fairly and according to his sworn oath and called this case for the home team equally shameful ...that the Oregon court of appeals had the wisdom to see this red herring which is apparently lost on Judge Wilson gives me hope that our system still has a chance against the corrupt lawyers and judges who prefer to use legal process to snuff out their opposition and to snuff out the public’s ability to vote on these important issues of the day ... I don't agree with everything Bill Sizemore says and does ...I have met Bill Sizemore and I found him to be extremely articulate and I found his ethics to be above reproach ...when we allow the government to intrude into this process like Judge Wilson has done and try to take control of any part of a private PAC or its funds to contaminate the process and is crossing the line that should never be crossed

The World Has Gone Crazy!

I can't help but sometimes just scratch my head and wonder ....just what is wrong with everyone's thinking all of a sudden? Is it me who has changed or is it everyone else around me? I tend to think it must be something in the water. Most troubling to me is that the people who are demostrably more whacked out than the rest of us ALL hold positions of influence and power in this country. Let me give you some examples of the types of lunacy I am referring too.

1. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi- This woman is third in line to be the POTUSA should (god forbid!) something happen to B. Hussein Obama and Joe Biden. Wouldn’t you think this lady would someone you could take seriously sometimes? Last week she was speaking before a large group of hispanic’s (most of whom were obviously illegal aliens) and rather than deliver a message asking them to respect our laws…learn our language… and immigrate into our country legally….what does she do instead? She calls for an end to the immigration raids and mass deportations of illegals that we have been carrying over the course of the last several years. She claims that protecting our borders and building our giant fence is “unamerican”. And then tells them all that they are the patriots? (I could not make this up) and then she closed by encouraging them to continue breaking our laws. !
Nancy Pelosi Video - Nancy telling illegal aliens how patriotic they are for breaking our laws and invading our country

Here is my favorite video blog on Nancy Pelosi brought to us courtesy of my favorite ranting clear thinker …”drinkingwithbob”

DrinkingwithBob giving us the Low Down on Nancy Pelosi

2. Barney Frank and Chriss Dodd- How do these two chalatans manage to keep getting re-elected? Barney Frank; the only openly homosexual congressman was also the guy who back in July of 2008 (just before the crisis hit in earnest) testified that “Freddie and Frannie are fine ...they are solvent, they are safe investments now everybody” and as Chairman of the Financial Services Committee, one of the committee’s responsible for overseeing both Freddie and Fannie. This man is an expert at screwing things up big then blaming it on someone else. This man should have lost his job 100 times in the last 6 months for gross stupidity. And if that weren’t enough our government now has the person who played a significant role in screwing things up spearheading the efforts to fix it? Why isn’t the press having a field day with this numbskull

3. Acting like a lunatic isn’t isolated to members of congress …unfortunately this countries obsession with pornography and creating as many sex offenders as possible out of normal law abiding citizens has really caught fire. With no state or county Judge or District Attorney wanting to be left out of the contest of who can make the most assinine rulings and/or prosecutions this most recent case comes to us by way of the great state of Idaho!. There a 19 yr old man has been charged with two counts of statutory rape and is currently getting ready to go on trial where he could be sentenced to life in prison. Who was the victim? It is the 15 year old (then) girl who proudly carries his baby and wears his ring as his wife! Yes they made the mistake of doing exactly what every single one of us did (or tried to do or wanted to do or dreamth about doing..Usually in the back of a car) …got caught and since the girl could not legally give him consent he may go away for life! Of course she apparently could consent to marriage and no one seems to think anythingof the fact that she is another preganant teen …no all eyes are focused on the boyfriend who “raped” her …hello!!??